Thursday 23 May 2019

About to hatch...

About to hatch.....
For the last few days, they had been falling from the sky. Nobody knew where they had come from; nobody knew why they were there.
The mysterious objects, most of them spherical in shape, lay there on the beach, motionless, immovable despite the tide’s best efforts to remove them from the shoreline.
Then, a crack began to appear on the surface. It’s as noisy as a thunder clap! The mysterious ‘rock’ started cracking, and cracking, and cracking, until it finally gave in. It was just a rock. But was it really?
I take a closer inspection at the ghastly rock, and realise a gigantic discovery. I sprint back, stumbling to the hut to tell Doc. This indeed is a gigantic discovery. It is indeed.

Doc and I rush back to the egg as fast as cheetahs. My legs are stinging like crazy, but I urge on. It’s a long way to the beach, so we’re puffed when we arrive. We both stare down menacingly at the thing. But it’s gone. I’m angry that I didn’t get to show Doc, but I will show him one day, that I, am inimitable.
This is my writing about about to hatch.

1 comment:

  1. hi Alodia its hunter from greymain i like how you done a blog post on that egg next time you should put more facts and also do a blog post about the egg if it hatches thanks Hunter


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