Tuesday 10 September 2019


This term we did choose Tuesday again. Choose Tuesday is where you can choose an activity to do, and every Tuesday, you work on that activity with a parent or teacher. This term I did Art. It was pretty fun. I would like to thank Sara for putting into so much time into this art activity. My favourite part of Art was screen printing. It was really fun.


  1. Hi Alodia,it is me Leilani from your netball team! I really like the art work that you did because it has a lot of colour and is that actually your art work because it looks like a professionals. I did sewing with a parent named Tracey, I made a donut with white and yellow sprinkles. Bye thanks for sharing this work on your blog!

    1. Hi Leilani,
      Thanks for commenting on my blog. This is not my art. I just found it on the internet. Making a doughnut with white and yellow sprinkles with thread sounds interesting.


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