Monday, 7 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey

This is my week 4 day 2 SLJ activity. I hope you like it.


  1. Hi Alodia,

    It's Leslie here, writing to you from Canada as a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. It's fun to be a part of this special program and to be in touch with students, like you, living on the other side of the world!

    You've done a super job of posting your responses to the Week 4, Day 2 activities!
    I'm impressed that you think you'd be willing to try ziplining in Rotorua. It does look like fun, doesn't it? But it also can be a little scary to be high up in the air, above the tree tops! I have a hard time climbing our fire towers in Ontario - I get to the tree top level and my legs turn to jelly. I can only imagine how I'd feel about being on a zip line at that height!! But what a beautiful view one would have, as you say. And it's a much better way for people to see the area in terms of protecting the forest floor, isn't it?

    I love your list of fruit and veggies that you'd choose to grow in a garden. Yumm!! You have a nice mix. Do you have a garden at the moment? Perhaps creating a raised garden bed at your school is a possibility. Some of our schools have built gardens so that the children can take part in learning how to grow vegetables. It's a great experience!!

    And I see that you've watched the video on the raptors. I agree that it's not fair that animals be trapped and sold. The more we know about these illegal activities, the more support we can give to those who are trying to stop them.

    You've done a great job on your activities. Well done, Alodia!!

    I hope you're enjoying the SLJ program and also getting lots of time outside having some fun on your summer days. I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.



    1. Hello Leslie,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. I think that zip lining instead of walking on the forest floor is a amazing idea. I don't have a garden at my house, because I live in a house that has a teeny tiny garden, not big enough to plant fruits and veges but luckily, our school has a garden, so that's great.

  2. Hi Alodia,
    Your SLJ looked great!
    Do you know where the nearest zipline to Owai is? Maybe yo could suggest it as a class trip for 2019 :-)
    Have a great year!!!


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