Welcome to my blog! This is a place where I can share my learning journey. My blog is a collection of questions, ideas, learning in progress and finished work. Please make comments so I can learn more and improve my work. Thanks!
Thursday, 21 November 2019
O_O Writing week 6
G'day, this is my writing that I had to do based on 3 photos. Pls leave a friendly comment and have a great time reading. O_O
Although the water is as cold as ice, I dunk my head into the water. Paddling towards the fishing boat, I marvel at the sight around me. Then I felt something make my shin hairs prick up. Something was lurking beneath me. I looked below me and saw a giant whale shark, sucking me into the depth of its stomach! I thrashed around, trying to escape it’s grasp, but I got engulfed, whole. The whale’s insides were disgusting. Red slippery throat, green bouncy stomach, and soapy puddles everywhere. Despite my best efforts, I plummet down into the depth and hit my head on the rebounding floor. Resting my hands on the glistening bottom, my right hand runs over something rough. I eye the object and see it’s a turtle egg, resting in a puddle of fish blood and juice. I slowly pick it up and examine it. Nothing looks strange about it. I hold it safely in my hands and look at it while pacing up and down. Suddenly, I am pushed backwards by something, nearly dropping the egg. I drop flat on my back, still holding tightly to the egg. There is a grandfather clock in front of me, it’s hands ticking slowly in strange directions. I slowly run my fingers across the hands and the hands suddenly jerk to the left.
My hair is blown up and my nose hairs are parted. I’m thrown into the side of the whale, while barely holding on to the precious egg. The grandfather clock shimmers and the whale howls. Everything stops. Pushing back my sweaty/salivary hair, I crawl up the sides of the whale and push open its mouth. I gasp. No longer in the ocean, I slowly step onto a cobbled road. The whale is scarily still, probably lifeless. Stuffing the turtle egg in my pocket, I looked around. It looked like I was in some old street with flickering lamps. Deciding not to wait, I decide to start walking, when I see the grandfather clock on the ground. I can’t just leave it there, the clock is the key to everything; the key to moving through time and space. I tear off a bit of my warm coat and jam the clock into it. I begin striding forward, while keeping my eyes on the slippery road. I realise I’m going nowhere, so I pull out the grandfather clock and set it on the ground. Cautiously, I run my icy fingers on the smooth hands and once again, it clicks. I’m thrown back into a rubbish bin and the ground quivers. Then, I feel my tummy lurch, and before I know it, I’m in the sky.
Tumbling through the clouds is not a fun thing. Believe. As If I’m a bird without wings, I crashed down on the soggy sand. Rubbing my bruised ankles, I stumble forwards, and fall face first into some water. Rubbing my face, I look behind me. The egg is completely flat, and there seems to be no life in it. Rushing over, I kneel down and stare at it. It’s just a flat shell. Suddenly, I feel something nudge my foot. Turning around, I see a tiny turtle next to me. It must of came out of the egg! It slowly looked at me, then waddled over to the ocean and dived in. Smiling, and trudged up a hill and walked away from the beach. It’s epic journey was only the beginning.
This is a poster about only rain down the drain. Hope you like it, and leave a friendly comment:)
Wednesday, 20 November 2019
Treadlightly genially!
"Only rain goes down the drain" This is a sentence we learnt on a treadlightly season. treadlightly is a company that tries to help the environment. Here is a genially that I made. Hope you like it!
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Yesterday Treadlightly came to our school to talk putting things in the right bin. I learnt that wetlands can filter dirty water to clean water! I also learnt that fat oils turn into a solid if it touches cold water, so you tip your oil into the sink, you tip it in the bin. Here is a photo collage of my interesting Treadlightly experience. I'm the one wearing a light green Adidas cap and wearing completely black clothes.
ONLY rain🌧️ down the drain
Here is a quiz about Only Rain Down The Drain. Can you do it with no mistakes? Tell me how you did by posting a comment.
This is my picture writing. Can you imagine the photos for each paragraph?
Cora was sprinting through the dark woods trying to find her way back home to the city. Panting for breath, Cora collapsed to the ground, her shaking knees giving way. She could hear wolves in the distant howling and crickets chirping. Her dress was plastered to her body and her hair was drenching wet. At the age of 12, her parents trusted her to go take walks around the woods. Face down, she reached out a quivering hand, trying to find something to shade her. Her hand fell on something silky. She looked up and saw an umbrella! She stood up and shook it. With a simple push of the tiny shiny button the umbrella popped opened and the most wondrous thing fell out. A tiny cloud popped out from the umbrella. “Hewo hewo hewo. Are you wet? Let me make you dry!” announced the little cloud. It murmured a few words and the sun started shining in the inside of the umbrella! Cora swore she heard her nostrils sizzling, because the blazing sun was so hot. In no time, she was as dry as sandpaper. The little cloud started drifting away, towards the distance. Cora ran along with it, wondering where it would take her. The cloud helped Cora, so would it take her home? Cora was about to find out.
The cloud continued drifting along through the raining forest. Soon, the rain gave up and out came the mist. The sun was starting to peek through the dead trees and Cora was starting to feel really tired. When she was about to faint from exhaustion, they came to a house. At first, she was relieved but getting a closer look at it she realized it wasn’t a normal house. There was rotting meat at the doorstep and she could smell damp wood. “Why did you led me here cloud?” asked Cora looking back at the cloud. “Oh, you know, you should never trust a stranger you know. Didn’t your parents teach you that?” The cloud cackled and disappeared. It was then that she heard it… clanking behind the door! Cora froze as still as a statue. She slowly opened the door and tiptoed in, trying not to disturb the owner. The 7th step she took, there was a deafening creak and everything was silent. “Come here dear. Come.” came a little whisper from the living room. Cora slowly trudged into the room. There sitting on an old armchair, was an old lady. There were 2 giant mirrors behind her. “You need to get home? One of these mirrors is a teleporter and the other is a future seeing tool. If you want to take the teleporter, then you will have to accept the future of the vision in the future tool. Will you do it?” whispered, eyeing Cora. Cora nodded and walked slowly towards the mirrors. The lady pushed a button and the evil cloud popped out of the mirror. He was cackling and laughing like crazy. Suddenly, the ground of the house split and water started spilling out. Cora screamed like crazy. “Iz OK dear. It’s just a vision. 3D. Is it cool?” exclaimed the old lady. “Do you accept your fate and walk through the teleporter, or walk back home and don’t face this fate.” Cora thought for a moment. “Sure. I’ll walk through the teleporter. I mean, the vision is dumb. I don’t believe it. Cora smiled as she stood in front of the teleporter. The old lady sighed and pressed a button. The mirror suddenly turns as blue as the sky, and Cora stepped in.
Cora fell butt first on the rocky pavement in the city. She looked around, massaging her butt. The sun was peeking from behind a tiny cloud that was hovering over her. It billowed its way over to Cora, and at once she knew who it was. The cloud had a little smile engraved in front of him. He shot up into the sky, and sent out a crack of lightning. Cora jumped back just in time, because the ground split in half and water bursted out. The cloud cackled and howled while Cora stared at the ground in shock. She dug her toes into the solid ground and zoomed towards the tallest tower in the city, hoping to get to high ground. Water was soaking up in her socks and it was lapping up to her shins. She finally reached the glass tower and circled it. She found a ladder and scaled up as fast as a monkey. By the time she reached half way, the water was a few meters under her. She could see someone bobbing up and down on the surface, who must have died. There were a few hundred people swimming around in the water, struggling to keep their head on top of the water. Cora was about to continue climbing, when something shot out of the water. It was a boy around the age of 13, his hair plastered to his pale forehead. His cheeks were a strawberry red and his hands were trembling while gripping tightly to the ladder. His black T-shirt was covered with neon green oozing liquid and his face was also covered with it. He signaled to Cora to keep going and they quickling clambered up the tall tower. When she reached the top, she helped up the now wheezing boy, and she looked down. There was no one left on the surface of the water, and many sea animals were gliding through the clear water. The water was rising. Soon, everything would be underwater. The cloud decided to make things harder and he started to rain down, hard. Cora saw a sea turtle paddling through the water, and she came up with a brilliant idea. She waved her hands around, and the cloud drifted over to her. “Well, what is it Cora?” asked the cloud as his smile straightened up. Cora knew this was a dumb idea, but she had to try it. She sighed. She just hoped that the cloud was solid. She lunged at the cloud and hugged it. It worked! The cloud was solid! The cloud tumbled down towards the water with her. There was a big SPLASH, and they both sank to the depth of the water. Cora was having trouble holding on to the cloud, which was trying to fly back to the surface. She paddled slowly over to the turtle and held its neck securely. She squeezed open the turtle’s mouth and stuffed the cloud down the turtle’s throat! Cora kicked her way back up to the surface, and took a deep gulp of air. The water had come to a screeching hold, just beneath the tip of the tower that the 13 year old was standing on, stunned. He clapped his hands loudly as Cora splashed through the water towards the tower. Once she got to the top, many heads started popping out of the water. About 50 people survived! Well, that’s off to a good start...
Cora was sprinting through the dark woods trying to find her way back home to the city. Panting for breath, Cora collapsed to the ground, her shaking knees giving way. She could hear wolves in the distant howling and crickets chirping. Her dress was plastered to her body and her hair was drenching wet. At the age of 12, her parents trusted her to go take walks around the woods. Face down, she reached out a quivering hand, trying to find something to shade her. Her hand fell on something silky. She looked up and saw an umbrella! She stood up and shook it. With a simple push of the tiny shiny button the umbrella popped opened and the most wondrous thing fell out. A tiny cloud popped out from the umbrella. “Hewo hewo hewo. Are you wet? Let me make you dry!” announced the little cloud. It murmured a few words and the sun started shining in the inside of the umbrella! Cora swore she heard her nostrils sizzling, because the blazing sun was so hot. In no time, she was as dry as sandpaper. The little cloud started drifting away, towards the distance. Cora ran along with it, wondering where it would take her. The cloud helped Cora, so would it take her home? Cora was about to find out.
The cloud continued drifting along through the raining forest. Soon, the rain gave up and out came the mist. The sun was starting to peek through the dead trees and Cora was starting to feel really tired. When she was about to faint from exhaustion, they came to a house. At first, she was relieved but getting a closer look at it she realized it wasn’t a normal house. There was rotting meat at the doorstep and she could smell damp wood. “Why did you led me here cloud?” asked Cora looking back at the cloud. “Oh, you know, you should never trust a stranger you know. Didn’t your parents teach you that?” The cloud cackled and disappeared. It was then that she heard it… clanking behind the door! Cora froze as still as a statue. She slowly opened the door and tiptoed in, trying not to disturb the owner. The 7th step she took, there was a deafening creak and everything was silent. “Come here dear. Come.” came a little whisper from the living room. Cora slowly trudged into the room. There sitting on an old armchair, was an old lady. There were 2 giant mirrors behind her. “You need to get home? One of these mirrors is a teleporter and the other is a future seeing tool. If you want to take the teleporter, then you will have to accept the future of the vision in the future tool. Will you do it?” whispered, eyeing Cora. Cora nodded and walked slowly towards the mirrors. The lady pushed a button and the evil cloud popped out of the mirror. He was cackling and laughing like crazy. Suddenly, the ground of the house split and water started spilling out. Cora screamed like crazy. “Iz OK dear. It’s just a vision. 3D. Is it cool?” exclaimed the old lady. “Do you accept your fate and walk through the teleporter, or walk back home and don’t face this fate.” Cora thought for a moment. “Sure. I’ll walk through the teleporter. I mean, the vision is dumb. I don’t believe it. Cora smiled as she stood in front of the teleporter. The old lady sighed and pressed a button. The mirror suddenly turns as blue as the sky, and Cora stepped in.
Cora fell butt first on the rocky pavement in the city. She looked around, massaging her butt. The sun was peeking from behind a tiny cloud that was hovering over her. It billowed its way over to Cora, and at once she knew who it was. The cloud had a little smile engraved in front of him. He shot up into the sky, and sent out a crack of lightning. Cora jumped back just in time, because the ground split in half and water bursted out. The cloud cackled and howled while Cora stared at the ground in shock. She dug her toes into the solid ground and zoomed towards the tallest tower in the city, hoping to get to high ground. Water was soaking up in her socks and it was lapping up to her shins. She finally reached the glass tower and circled it. She found a ladder and scaled up as fast as a monkey. By the time she reached half way, the water was a few meters under her. She could see someone bobbing up and down on the surface, who must have died. There were a few hundred people swimming around in the water, struggling to keep their head on top of the water. Cora was about to continue climbing, when something shot out of the water. It was a boy around the age of 13, his hair plastered to his pale forehead. His cheeks were a strawberry red and his hands were trembling while gripping tightly to the ladder. His black T-shirt was covered with neon green oozing liquid and his face was also covered with it. He signaled to Cora to keep going and they quickling clambered up the tall tower. When she reached the top, she helped up the now wheezing boy, and she looked down. There was no one left on the surface of the water, and many sea animals were gliding through the clear water. The water was rising. Soon, everything would be underwater. The cloud decided to make things harder and he started to rain down, hard. Cora saw a sea turtle paddling through the water, and she came up with a brilliant idea. She waved her hands around, and the cloud drifted over to her. “Well, what is it Cora?” asked the cloud as his smile straightened up. Cora knew this was a dumb idea, but she had to try it. She sighed. She just hoped that the cloud was solid. She lunged at the cloud and hugged it. It worked! The cloud was solid! The cloud tumbled down towards the water with her. There was a big SPLASH, and they both sank to the depth of the water. Cora was having trouble holding on to the cloud, which was trying to fly back to the surface. She paddled slowly over to the turtle and held its neck securely. She squeezed open the turtle’s mouth and stuffed the cloud down the turtle’s throat! Cora kicked her way back up to the surface, and took a deep gulp of air. The water had come to a screeching hold, just beneath the tip of the tower that the 13 year old was standing on, stunned. He clapped his hands loudly as Cora splashed through the water towards the tower. Once she got to the top, many heads started popping out of the water. About 50 people survived! Well, that’s off to a good start...
Last week, We did our school athletics. My favourite sports were running and discus. I think I could have done better, because I only got 3 awards. I got 2nd in 800m, 2nd in 400m, and 3rd in discus. I did pretty well in 100m. I came 4th tied with my friend Joyce. Here a is a collage of some photos from athletics.
🏋🏻♂️Richie Patterson🏋🏻♂️
A few weeks ago, Richie Patterson, a NZ Olympic weightlifter came to our school. He talked about his journey. Here is a DLO about him.🏋🏻♂️
Japan Film🎬
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